Photojournalism: Examples, Part I

As an avid reader of the Sunday Times in the mid to late ‘70s when the rather remarkable Harold Evans was at the helm, I have always found photojournalism, especially in the form of the photo-essay, a powerful form of storytelling. The images of Don McCullin embedded within the ST Magazine (with its distinctive typeface and layout) are ones that I find hard to forget even now in 2017.Recently a number of publications have been re-investing in using the approach to cover complex topics. This post is a collection of links to examples and review articles that I’ve found interesting in the past few months.Time magazine has been investing heavily and one example is -  a haunting look at the issues around Syrian refugee children. Time's Significant press photos from 2016 have been compiled at: issues around who becomes a photo journalist in these "modern times"  is covered in is the in-house magazine for the MA students at the City University Journalism School. It is an interesting read in itself but of note now is that they have  provided suggestions for interesting photojournalists to follow: images here!The work of two photo journalists killed while working on the "front line" is a reminder just how dangerous the real world is.Tim Hetherington, The biography, "Here I am" is a fascinating read and recommended.Camille Lepage was a French journalist, trained in Southhampton and who was murdered  in the CAR in 2014.
 Some of her portfolio can be found here: